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Data Validation with Superstruct

I came across Superstruct from the React Hook Form documentation - in particular the schema-based form validation. Since I wasn't thrilled about burying form field validation logic inside JSX, I choose to use Superstruct. In this short post, I'll walk through an example of how to use Superstruct for simple to slightly more complex data validation.

Superstruct Schema

Superstruct provides an intuitive API to define the shape of your application data and functions to validate that data at runtime. You can compose type annotations and utility functions to build complex data structures and more refined data validation checks.

In Superstruct parlance, the Struct is the data structure created and returned by Superstruct utilities. In this post, I use Schema in place of Struct.

We start by creating a schema to describe our data.

import * as ss from 'superstruct'

const PersonSchema = ss.object({
  name: ss.string(),
  password: ss.string()

Next, we add a data object and validation logic.

// ...snipped for brevity...

const person = {
  name: 'joe',
  password: 'admin',
}, PersonSchema) // returns true

Okay, we've got a working example. In the next sections, we'll add TypeScript types to our data object and tighten up validation for name and password properties.

TypeScript Types

One option to type our data object is to create an interface.

// ...snipped for brevity...

interface Person {
  name: string
  password: string

const person: Person = {
  name: 'joe',
  password: 'admin',

The downside to the approach above is the duplication of defining a schema and a TypeScript interface. Depending on your project structure and data complexity, keeping the two in sync might become a burden to maintain.

The good news is Superstruct provides the Infer utility to derive TypeScript types from a Superstruct schema. We can replace our interface definition with the following line.

type Person = ss.Infer<typeof PersonSchema>

Data Validation

Our example thus far validates name and password as type string - which is a bit too broad. Let's refine the types by composing Superstruct's utilities.

import * as ss from 'superstruct'

const alphanum = () => ss.pattern(ss.string(), /[a-zA-Z0-9]/)
const password = () => ss.pattern(ss.string(), /^[a-zA-Z0-9*:?]{3,6}$/)

const PersonSchema = ss.object({
  name: ss.defaulted(ss.size(alphanum(), 3, 30), 'admin'),
  password: password()

type Person = ss.Infer<typeof PersonSchema>

const admin: Pick<Person, 'password'> & Partial<Person> = {
  password: '?g4Lxx'

const [error, admin] = ss.validate(person, PersonSchema)

if (error) {
} else {

In the snippet above, alphanum and password are custom validation functions that compose Superstruct's pattern and string utilities. The PersonSchema further refines the name property to a length between 3 and 30 characters and sets a default value if name is not provided.

The use of Superstruct's defaulted utility implies that name is optional. Superstruct's Infer utility does not recognize this nuance and creates the Person type with name required. As a result, I've typed the admin data object in a way to make password required and name optional.

If we run the code above, the validate function will fail, returning the following error.

StructError: At path: name -- Expected a string, but received: undefined {
  value: undefined,
  type: 'string',
  refinement: undefined,
  key: 'name',
  path: [ 'name' ],
  branch: [ { password: '?g4Lxx' }, undefined ],
  failures: [Function (anonymous)]

This error is due to the defaulted function not executing. The defaulted function is a coerce function that runs before validation - if configured to. To run coerce utilities before validation, pass the { coerce: true } option to the validate function.

// ...snipped for brevity...

const [error, admin] = ss.validate(person, PersonSchema, { coerce: true })

With the change above, and the program re-run, the output changes to the following.

{ password: '?g4Lxx', name: 'admin' }

It's important to note, on successful validations, the validate function will return a reference to the original data object passed - changed and augmented by Superstruct's coercing functions.

Complex Validation Rules

Validation rules become complex in real-world applications. Let's simulate a more realistic scenario by introducing a role property that's limited to a set of values, a repeatPassword that must match password (if password exists) and a token field that has a mutually exclusive relationship to password and repeatPassword.

import * as ss from 'superstruct'

enum Roles {
  USER = 'USER',

const alphanum = () => ss.pattern(ss.string(), /[a-zA-Z0-9]/)
const password = () => ss.pattern(ss.string(), /^[a-zA-Z0-9*:?]{3,6}$/)

const BaseSchema = ss.object({
  name: ss.defaulted(ss.size(alphanum(), 3, 30), 'admin'),
  role: ss.defaulted(ss.enums([Roles.USER, Roles.ADMIN]), Roles.ADMIN),
  token: ss.optional(ss.union([ss.number(), ss.string()])),
  password: ss.optional(password()),
  repeatPassword: ss.optional(password()),

// ...snipped for brevity...

The first addition above is the enum constants definition to represent valid roles. I use the Superstruct enums utility to list valid values and also pass it a default value - implicitly making role optional.

Next, I added the optional token field that can be a number or a string and I added the repeatPassword field that must conform to the custom password validation function.

Take note that all schema fields are now optional - some marked explicitly, others implicitly set by the defaulted utility. This will simplify our data object typing later.

Also notice I renamed the schema as BaseSchema. We need BaseSchema as a starting point for one more composition step to build the token, password and repeatPassword conditional validations. The PersonSchema will be the resultant schema of all composition steps.

import * as ss from 'superstruct'

enum Roles {
  USER = 'USER',

const alphanum = () => ss.pattern(ss.string(), /[a-zA-Z0-9]/)
const password = () => ss.pattern(ss.string(), /^[a-zA-Z0-9*:?]{3,6}$/)

const BaseSchema = ss.object({
  name: ss.defaulted(ss.size(alphanum(), 3, 30), 'admin'),
  role: ss.defaulted(ss.enums([Roles.USER, Roles.ADMIN]), Roles.ADMIN),
  token: ss.optional(ss.union([ss.number(), ss.string()])),
  password: ss.optional(password()),
  repeatPassword: ss.optional(password()),

const PersonSchema = ss.intersection([
  ss.refine(BaseSchema, 'PasswordOrToken', (schema) =>
    schema.password || schema.repeatPassword
      ? !!schema.token
        ? false
        : true
      : !!schema.token
    (schema) => schema.password === schema.repeatPassword

// ...snipped for brevity...

The intersection type annotation accepts an array of schemas, where each one must pass validation. The first schema passed to intersection is a refinement of BaseSchema via the Superstruct refine utility. It validates the mutual exclusion relationship of token to password and repeatPassword. The second refinement schema validates whether password matches repeatPassword.

With our PersonSchema complete, we can expect the following validation results (noted in comments) for these data object scenarios.

// `Partial` makes all properties optional. This matches PersonSchema.
let person: Partial<Person>

person = {} // fails. token must exist.
person = { token: 4 } // passes.
person = { token: 'abc' } // passes.
person = { token: 4, password: '?xp' } // fails. token or password.
person = { token: 4, repeatPassword: '?xp' } // fails. token or password.
person = { password: '?xp' } // fails. passwords don't match.
person = { password: '?xp', repeatPassword: '?xp' } // passes.

Custom Error Handling

If an error occurs during a base type (e.g. string, number, etc) validation failure, Superstruct throws a clear and helpful error message. Here's an example:

import * as ss from 'superstruct'
ss.assert(4, ss.string())

The code above fails validation and throws the following error message.

StructError: Expected a string, but received: 4

When our refinement validations fail, the error message is far from helpful.

StructError: Expected a value of type `object`, but received: `[object Object]`

If we log our last error to the console, the Superstruct error object tells us the specific refinement schema that failed validation.

StructError: Expected a value of type `object`, but received: `[object Object]`
  value: {
    token: 4,
    password: 'xxxx',
    name: 'admin',
    role: 'ADMIN',
    repeatPassword: undefined
  type: 'object',
  refinement: 'PasswordOrToken',
  key: undefined,
  path: [],
  branch: [
      token: 4,
      password: 'xxxx',
      name: 'admin',
      role: 'ADMIN',
      repeatPassword: undefined
  failures: [Function (anonymous)]

Using the refinement property of the error object, we can customize error messages and decide to throw an error, report a warning or continue execution on a different path.

Here's a snippet of how we'll handle these errors.

// ...snipped for brevity...

const [error, admin] = ss.validate(person, PersonSchema, { coerce: true })

if (error) {
  switch (error.refinement) {
    case 'PasswordOrToken':
      console.error(`Please provide a 'password' or 'token'; not both`)
    case 'PasswordMatch':
      console.error(`Passwords must match`)
      throw error



In this post I covered data validation using Superstruct for simple data types, like strings and numbers. I showed how to compose Superstruct utilities to create slightly more complex validation schemas - in particular the alphanum and password helpers.

Next, I provided examples for setting defaults and limiting a value to a defined list of constants via the enums utility. Then we jumped into the advanced validation rules, with conditional dependency, and mutual exclusion.

The last section demonstrated custom error handling logic for those deeply nested refinement schemas.

I hope you found this post useful. Check out the source code on Github to see the complete example.

Thanks for reading.